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An Introduction to the Shihsanhang Museum of ArchaeologyAn Introduction to the Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology

An Introduction to the Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology

The Prehistoric Residents in ShihsanhangThe Prehistoric Residents in Shihsanhang

The Prehistoric Residents in Shihsanhang

Author:Cheng-hwa Tsang

Price:NT 250


The Museum and the Changing Image of Bali-Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology Overall PlanThe Museum and the Changing Image of Bali-Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology Overall Plan

The Museum and the Changing Image of Bali-Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology Overall Plan

Lake TaipeiLake Taipei

Lake Taipei

The Archaeologist's CodeThe Archaeologist's Code

The Archaeologist's Code

This book reveals the mysteries of archaeology. Its contents include some important archaeological discoveries: The Curse of Tutankhamun, Cambodia’s Angkor Wat, Mayan Civilization, The Qin Emperor’s Terracotta Warriors and important archaeological sites in Taiwan.



Accepting that archaeology deals in “secret codes”, it would not be too much of a stretch to state that archaeologist, then, are engaged as modern-day codebreakers. In actuality, archaeological research is not an esoteric subject; archaeologists do not spend most of their time in the field searching for buried treasure.


We hope you will realize that the greatest value we archaeologists have to offer the society is the pleasure and interest that our discoveries generate.